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    Nocturne : Dear Doc,
    My dog had serious diarrhea 4 days ago, but his POOP returned to normal the next day so we did not take him to a doctor.
    However, since yesterday he started sneezing quite often… He doesn’t sneeze all the time, but when he just wakes up or when he gets excited, he starts sneezing very hard and it contiunes until he’s calmer or lies down to sleep. also, there’s water coming out of his nose when he sneezes.

    1. is the diarrhea related to the sneezing?
    2. he acts very normally besides sneezing… he eats, sleeps and runs around as usual.. What might be the cause of his sneezing?
    3. I am told that if this situation continues then i have to take him to a vet… should i do it NOW?

    Thanks alot for the help!

    大敦寵物醫療中心院長戴更基醫生 : 1.Ya, maybe diarrhea is URI(upper respiratory infection ) related
    2.URI(maybe only sinusitis or rhinitis) can try AFRIN, which can be found in supermarket or drug store, try to drop this medicine into both his nares
    twice daily, four days on and four days off!
    if no improvement, go to the Vet!

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