I live in Hong Kong and I already seen your second book and I try to find the first now. some question wish to ask you after I saw the book.
1. I want to buy a headcollar for my dog (he is a collie one years old, but I could not found in Hong Kong. What can I do ?
2. My dog always bark on me at the morning (about 8:00am – 9:00am) also jump on the bed to make me wake even on my holiday#@$@^*&%$$! I say ‘NO’ but he still walk around in my room and utter sad call. until I walk with him but I didn’t want him to control me. What sould I do ?? Just ignore him ? (he sleep on the floor side me bed)
大敦寵物醫療中心院長戴更基醫生 : 1.you can try to buy headcollar from internet.
If you can’t find any, just tell!
2.What you should do is only lie on the bed and say “NO!! “commmand. do not get up to deal with him, this will make him feel barking can make you come to him!
“No!!” command can easily be learn with headcollar,try this magic collar!!!