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  • #4719

    Nocturne : 戴醫師您好~
    我的狗狗開始不會把尿尿一次尿完 然後散步時會想要聞其他地方尿尿了… 牠有時抬腳有時蹲著… 但我確定牠在做記號
    1. 我很不喜歡牠一邊散步一邊尿那麼多次….所以散步時都不讓他聞地上…一直到放他自己跑時才讓牠隨自己高興的做記號…我這樣可以嗎? 像我現在這樣散步時不讓他mark, 放開他時才讓他mark行不行?
    2. marking 還會有什麼不好的地方嗎? 因為牠現在除了一次不全尿完還有想聞來聞去外並沒有不同… 一直不肯在家裡尿尿的他會突然開始在家裡mark嗎?
    3. we really should neuter him now… but he’s so well-behaved and cute… so we are thinking(daydreaming) that we might have puppies first and then neuter him afterwards…. is it okay?
    4. something that is not related to marking: my dog is kind of small compared to other golden retrievers (lots of ppl mentioned to me that he’s small for a one-year-old golden)… i think it might be because he didn’t like to eat and is underweight so the lack of nutrients might have hindered his growth… is this possible??? 牠會不會因為小時後不吃東西體重過輕而有更多毛病?? 我好擔心…

    Thanks for answering

    大敦寵物醫療中心院長戴更基醫生 : 1.可以
    3.That’s your choice, but if you neuter him as late as 24 months old, neuter will have no help! Suggest you DO IT NOW!! thank you !! that’s his gene, 不會因為小時後不吃東西體重過輕而有更多毛病

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