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  • #4306

    Nocturne : 戴醫師您好:
    1. 我的狗狗在全家出門時會輕輕地”嗯嗯”的哭, 不過一分鐘之內就沒事了(沒聲音, 只是呆呆的趴著)
    2. if he’s in crate and we give him a treat and then stays besides him, he will happily enjoy the treat, but if we walk away, he will just stare at us and after 1 hr when we go to see him again, he does not touch the treat at all.
    3. 有時(especially when he is energetic)把他關進crate不理牠 牠會低低的哭一兩分鐘…(but he won’t bark to protest)
    4. 牠自己一個狗時會咬自己的腳…把毛咬的長短不齊…不過不嚴重…so不仔細看是看不出來

    而且牠分離焦慮對象是我, because:
    1. 我不在他身邊他就不怎麼想吃飯…會留一堆
    2. 下午妹妹帶他散步回來他就躺在門口等我回家… 而且整隻狗都沒啥精神…呆呆的…不過我一回家(不定時)牠馬上精力充沛的歡迎我, 然後走來走去找事做靜不下來
    3. when we go out, 如果我走別條路and my sister takes him to walk another direction, he will just keep turning back to look at me and try to run in my direction.
    4. 讓牠跟別的狗玩時, 就算玩的再高興, 我一走遠牠馬上就跟過來… 就算我叫他回去玩牠也不肯

    are the behaviour described above symptoms of separation anxiety? i have tried the methods suggested in the E-news since he was a puppy (the methods did work cuz when he first came to us, he would bark like crazy when we left him alone) now he is 11 months and i think 牠知道我們會回家…牠只是不想被丟下所以哭幾聲抗議而已…so what else can i do to help him?

    Thanks for ur help.

    大敦寵物醫療中心院長戴更基醫生 : 牠是有分離焦慮的情況,但是行為尚未完全成熟之前,還有很大的空間和機會讓牠改正!

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