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    Nocturne : Dear Doc…
    1. 我的狗狗(11months GOLDEN)很愛玩呢…He prefers playing over EVERYTHING ELSE, including eating, sleeping and reacting to commands. He drops his food, treat and rawhide bones(rawhide bones is his favourite) when there’s anything/anyone fun to play with. He will tire himself out completely when we go out and still keep playing crazily unless we stop him… how do i know he is really tired? because he falls down on the floor and sleeps right away once we get home!! Also, he reacts poorly to commands if he gets excited. If i ask him to sit, he will, but the reaction is very slow and he seems very reluctant… 有’過動狗’這種病嗎?? cuz i thought golden retrievers are supposed to be steady and graceful dogs…but he’s really hyperactive… (we already take him out for a walk for at least 1 hr 15 min everyday…)
    2. what other indoor interactive games can we play with him? right now we have hide-and-seek, tug-of-war and ball retrieving… and teaching him weird commands like ‘裝死’, ‘轉圈圈’…etc.
    3. i always have to give him hints, like calling his name or expose ourselves a bit, when we play hide-and-seek…or else he will just happyily seek around and then start panicking cuz he can’t find us! don’t dogs use “smell” in playing hide-and-seek??

    how do Doc you play with your dog? 🙂

    大敦寵物醫療中心院長戴更基醫生 : 1.You know your problem is?
    your dog is undersocialization ,that means you need to give him obedient trainning. that’s all you need! depands, but basic obedient trainning is needed basically!
    3.Dogs have good smell ability, but you didn’t train him to use it, he was used to using his eyes to find where you are!

    I always use goodie balls (only)to play with my dog,

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