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  • #3832

    Nocturne : 戴醫師您好:
    1. 我的狗狗也是這樣ㄟ
    我現在試著慢慢拉遠距離…而前幾天不吃的現象在我加了一點肉罐頭又在讓牠看的到的地方陪牠之後,他又開始吃飯了… 希望它能漸漸習慣自己吃 (雖然有加肉, 可是他對乾飼料反應良好,我training就是用乾飼料)
    因為我有在量牠吃多少…不吃時大約一天50g Hill’s Puppy 的乾飼料, 猛吃時一天可上800~900g (牠那時是six months)… 這樣不吃然後又開始吃的現象如果沒理由的反覆出現(間隔約3months)是不是代表什麼??

    2. 牛皮骨可以讓牠整支吃下去嗎? 牠每次都咬的軟軟的然後就吃掉了… is there any unhealthy ingredient in the rawhide?

    加拿大上週有則新聞– a 4-year-old girl got mauled and killed by two dogs, a rottweiler and a labrador cross, when she was left alone in her father’s apartment(her parents got divorced)… i am thinking about which dog started the attack… can it be the labrador cross? but aren’t labradors and goldens naturally really gentle and friendly dogs? if the rottweiler started the attack, why would a gentle dog like labradors joined the attack?

    4. i guess it is natural for other dogs to join the ‘hunting’… but i am worried about my golden puppy… when he grows up and sees some dog attacking some animal or even human, will he join the attack? (牠現在(9months)大概只會吃驚的愣在一旁然後被嚇走吧…可是長大呢?)
    ps 我覺得狗主人真的可以決定一隻狗的個性…那位父親可能不是好主人…不過他也真是的…居然把小孩跟羅威那放在一起然後自己走掉… 不過像羅威那這種狗, 如果有很好的訓練, 當他看到一個又跑又叫的小孩而主人又不在身邊時, 他們會忍的住不attack嗎? 如果是golden retriever呢?

    每次都拿奇怪的問題來請教醫生您… 真是抱歉

    大敦寵物醫療中心院長戴更基醫生 : 1.多數的主人會用can food去引誘狗狗,這反而容易造成未來更不愛吃飼料,還有trainning不要用飼料,改用專用的treat會好一些!
    3.What I think about is , both dog were not trained.
    Maybe the attack was started by rottweiler, but also could be started by labrador corss.It depands on the social position between labrador cross and rottweiler!

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