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  • #3824

    Wing Kang : Dear Dr. Tai 您好,



    請問您,我的教法要如何改進? 用下列這種項圈﹝套住脖子和前腿﹞,是否能改善ㄋ?

    Pro Stop Gentle Harness

    * Eliminates pulling and tugging
    * Padded leg straps

    Eliminate pulling and tugging with this gentle restraining harness. When your dog pulls, the padded leg straps tighten without pain or discomfort and restrict movement.?/p>

    Works regardless of your pet’s weight and strength, or your size. Made of easily adjustable nylon with Quick Snap buckles that lock in place for secure fit. Collarnd lead sold separately.

    另有一種蚤不到(Bio Spot for Dogs),比FRONTLINE更便宜,多3種功用:

    1. kills flea eggs
    2. stop developpment
    3. repels/kills mosquitoes

    that FRONTLINE doesn’t propvide.


    Bio Spot for Dogs

    Stop fleas before they start!

    * Kills and repels adult fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes
    * Prevents development of flea eggs and larvae into biting adults

    Effective – the #1 flea and tick treatment in the country!
    Only Bio Spot with two active ingredients provides the complete protection your pet needs. The IGR (Insect Growth Regulator) Biolar/Nylar kills flea eggs and larvae while permethrin, a synthetic pyrethrin, kills and repels adult fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes, even lice. Works within one day and lasts for a month. Helps repel the insects that transmit potentially serious diseases such as Lyme Disease and Heartworm.

    1. 防止狗兒向前衝(的項圈)和
    2. 是否用此Bio Spot for Dogs 除蚤產品


    讀者 Wing

    大敦寵物醫療中心院長戴更基醫生 : 1.國外這樣的東西一堆,都可以使用,完全要看飼主的配合及操作,但是只有headcollar是被歸納在文獻上的行為矯正用的collar,所以你如果要從國外買,不如去買headcollar


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