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2002/02/04 19:28 #3824大敦寵物醫院使用者
Wing Kang : Dear Dr. Tai 您好,
請問您,我的教法要如何改進? 用下列這種項圈﹝套住脖子和前腿﹞,是否能改善ㄋ?
Pro Stop Gentle Harness
* Eliminates pulling and tugging
* Padded leg strapsEliminate pulling and tugging with this gentle restraining harness. When your dog pulls, the padded leg straps tighten without pain or discomfort and restrict movement.?/p>
Works regardless of your pet’s weight and strength, or your size. Made of easily adjustable nylon with Quick Snap buckles that lock in place for secure fit. Collarnd lead sold separately.
另有一種蚤不到(Bio Spot for Dogs),比FRONTLINE更便宜,多3種功用:
1. kills flea eggs
2. stop developpment
3. repels/kills mosquitoesthat FRONTLINE doesn’t propvide.
Bio Spot for Dogs
Stop fleas before they start!
* Kills and repels adult fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes
* Prevents development of flea eggs and larvae into biting adultsEffective – the #1 flea and tick treatment in the country!
Only Bio Spot with two active ingredients provides the complete protection your pet needs. The IGR (Insect Growth Regulator) Biolar/Nylar kills flea eggs and larvae while permethrin, a synthetic pyrethrin, kills and repels adult fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes, even lice. Works within one day and lasts for a month. Helps repel the insects that transmit potentially serious diseases such as Lyme Disease and Heartworm.請您教我
1. 防止狗兒向前衝(的項圈)和
2. 是否用此Bio Spot for Dogs 除蚤產品非常感謝您,並註您新春愉快,身體健康!
讀者 Wing
大敦寵物醫療中心院長戴更基醫生 : 1.國外這樣的東西一堆,都可以使用,完全要看飼主的配合及操作,但是只有headcollar是被歸納在文獻上的行為矯正用的collar,所以你如果要從國外買,不如去買headcollar
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