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    lost data : Dear Doc.Penny,
    I’ve been always wanted to take my 8-year-old yorkshire to tai-chung to spay.
    I also called your assistant for futher details. Yet, now I still have some questions…..
    1. What if my doggy isn’t in a perfect health condition when the day I take her you there?
    (maybe a running nose…catching a cold.. Some disease which I don’t realize…)
    because I live in Taipei…
    2.should she 驗血, just in case?
    3.what kind of 心絲蟲預防藥 do you use? May I have a discount if I buy many packs once?
    (because I have 3dogs…)
    sorry for my poor English…there is some problems with my chinese system. Thank you, Doctor Penny!!

    大敦寵物醫療中心院長戴更基醫生 : 1.make sure your doggie is in well healthy situation
    2.Yes, she need some blood test, so we can choice a better anethesia agent for your doggie.
    3.I use ivermectin.(HeartGuard)
    I’m sorry for any discount, cause HeartGuard is prescribe medicine in our medical center.
    We don’t give any discout for prescribe medicine!!

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