我的狗狗很挑嘴, 每一次餵他吃飯都會覺得好累…
我都是不去理牠, 30分鐘就收走..可是他都聞一聞就走掉了
這樣餓了他三天之後, (這三天吃的量都只有平常的六分之一)
吃正常了兩天之後, 又開始不吃了….
這一個月我加了半匙的canned food(很少, 因為我不希望他養成吃canned food的習慣), 希望牠體重過輕的情形會改善(牠比正常的公黃金寶寶瘦了5~6kg, 連他的姊姊也比牠重五公斤…)
可是歷史照樣重演, 他又都聞一聞就走掉了…
i used give him treat in training only, but now i give him dry food. He responds very well to dry food in training… but once i put the food in the bowl, he just won’t touch it anymore.
i don’t understand…what is he expecting? i don’t give him any other stuff to eat ah?
can you please help me??? i am so worried…